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August 9, 2018

The 3 Medicare Options

What are my Medicare Options?

Are you new to Medicare? Are you already enrolled in Medicare but still confused and wondering about how Medicare coverage works? Are you wondering why your Medicare Part B premium keeps increasing every year? Do you already have a Medigap Plan but the premiums keep going up every year and wondering how to switch plans? What is the difference between Medigap Plan F vs Plan G or even Plan N? 

These are a few of the many questions I hear from clients on a regular basis. Understanding Medicare doesn’t have to be daunting when you contact a trusted medicare advisor at Medicareline Insurance who is able to provide unbiased advise and bring solutions that are in your best interest. Today, I will present three Medicare choices when you join Medicare for the first time when you turn 65. 

1. Traditional or Original Medicare coverage Part A and Part B ( Part A – Hospital Coverage and Part B – Outpatient Coverage) 

2. Medicare Advantage Plans or Part C coverage, which are sold by private insurance companies like United Healthcare, Aetna, Mutual of Omaha, and Humana. These plans are in-network, HMO plans that also include your Prescription coverage or Part D. 

3. Original Medicare Part A and Part B and a Medigap Plan or Medicare Supplement Plan, which covers all the “gaps” in Original Medicare such as copays, co-insurance, and deductibles. When you choose this option, then you will also need to purchase a stand-alone Plan D or prescription plan. 

Now, it’s important to know how each one of these options work and how much your costs are. You can contact Medicareline Insurance today for a quote or if you have questions. 

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