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April 20, 2016

Common Guaranteed Issue Reasons For Medicare Supplements

Common Guaranteed Issue Reasons For Medicare Supplements So much of pre-65 health care involves medical underwriting (for now, anyway). One welcomed benefit to Medicare Medigap is that for most people, it will be guaranteed issue regardless of health as long as you meet certain requirements. Let’s go over the most common of these to make sure we do not lose […]
April 21, 2016

An Annuities Primer

An Annuities Primer Annuities are long-term investment tools for supplementing retirement income. There are no IRS-imposed annual contribution limits, and annuity earnings grow tax-deferred until the funds are withdrawn or paid out as income. Though popular among today’s aging Baby Boomers and members of the Mature or “Senior” markets, annuities can be traced back to ancient Greece. […]
April 21, 2016

Medically Underwritten Medigap Coverage

Medically Underwritten Medigap Coverage Most people that enroll in Medicare and Medicare supplements will do in a guaranteed issue manner. This means that they will qualify under one of the many reason for guaranteed issue enrollment regardless of their health. Turning 65 with a new Part B or leaving group health insurance are the two most common […]
April 22, 2016

Medicare Advantage Programs

Medicare Advantage Programs Medicare Advantage Programs or Medicare Part C is one of Medicare’s supplement programs to compensate for additional needs of those insured under this medical plan. What is Medicare Part C all about? It combines the benefits that the insured can derive from both plans A and B of Medicare in cooperation with private […]
April 22, 2016

Medigap Insurance Fills Holes Left By Medicare

Medigap Insurance Fills Holes Left By Medicare We already know that health insurance should help us out when it comes to medical expenses. A lot of people will require more medical attention than others, especially those men and women who have reached a certain age. With this, it is important to have a back up plan […]
April 22, 2016

What Is Long Term Care Insurance?

What Is Long Term Care Insurance? Long-term care insurance can be a complex and sensitive subject – one that most people hope they will never have to take out. As the name suggests, it is the name given to the insurance that provides coverage for the care given to a person when they need permanent and continuous care. Long […]
April 25, 2016

Best Medicare Health Insurance Plans For You

Best Medicare Health Insurance Plans For You In one way, senior citizens are very lucky. They have a lot of choices about how they will cover their health care. On the other hand, the different types of Medicare which range from A to D, and the different levels of Medicare supplements, which range from A to L, can bring […]
April 25, 2016

Choosing Which Medicare Part Works For You

Choosing Which Medicare Part Works For You Medicare health program has four parts and they are part A, B, C and D. Medicare part C and D are covered by private insurance providers. Part C actually combines the benefits that are covered by parts A and B and while part D of Medicare covers prescription medication. Part […]
April 27, 2016

Considerations of Investing in Annuities

Considerations of Investing in Annuities Annuities are a popular investment product that often provides a good financial return. Annuity plans supply a set amount of money to Annuitants over a predetermined time period. This type of investment is generally purchased to provide supplemental income, but associated costs tend to make it cost-prohibitive for most people. A […]
April 27, 2016

Medicare: What is Medicare?

Medicare: What is Medicare? Most people when asked what is Medicare will respond that it is a medical benefitting system made by the government. This may be partially correct, however what is Medicare really—a health insurance for people who reach a certain age which is part of a social insurance made by the government of the […]